Meet Gary - I love my wife but between kids, there's no time for romance
*The names and images of this story has been changed to protect individual privacy and convey a message. It is not intended to be medical advice or give medical guidance in any way. Any individual must always consult with their medical practitioner if they suspect sexual dysfunction or before taking unknown substances.
"As I'm about to turn 40 with two young kids, you can imagine there's little time left for romance or bedroom stuff."
Meet Gary. Another South African man who used to have a crazy sex life.
"My wife and I were ridiculous. She was so wild and exciting, I could never get enough of her. We were adventurous and tried it everywhere we could. I'm not saying my kids ruined our sex life, but there was definitely less time and energy for it since they came along."
Many men like Gary will know this feeling. Kids are great, but they are exhausting. You mix in careers, money, stress, and headaches and you lose that romantic spark really quickly.
"It's like I was just too busy to have time for romance, and even for sex. When we'd do it, it was basically just a start and finish. I really missed doing adventurous stuff with my wife, and I don't mean paragliding. About 2 years ago I finally started my own business and man, the stress is just insane. It definitely also made me have less time for romance. I just didn't make it a priority."
Men at Gary's age also tend to start taking chronic medications for blood pressure or other heart-related symptoms or diseases. In this case, it is really important to have something that does not interact or interfere with medication.
"I noticed first that I think we had a problem when my wife's self esteem started suffering. She would ask me things like if I was still attracted to her even though her body looks different after kids, and stuff like that. I was so shocked to hear that she felt insecure, because I've always thought she was incredibly sexy.
"I started using Takbok kind of as a support system when life gets hectic. I don't want to neglect my wife or make her feel unwanted just because I'm too busy to think about sex. She doesn't know that I sometimes take it and I've cleared it with my doctor to ensure it doesn't mess with other medication I'm taking. All she knows is that our sex life is finally bouncing back."
As you age, your lifestyle and medication is going to affect your libido. In this case, it is vitally important that anything you're using doesn't interfere with your chronic medication - like blood pressure pills, heart medication, or even if you're diabetic. Takbok's natural composition makes it safe to use with medication, which means you can get a boost without worrying about other effects.